23 May
20:00 - 22:00
Str. Ion Brezoianu 23-25
LINOTIP Independent Choreography Center
Rhythms, folk dance and contemporary dance workshop
In this dance workshop we aim to work on the basis of the material with which the Basma Curata show was built. We will work on rhythms, folk dance and contemporary dance language that underlie the content of motion and the working process of the show \"BASMa Curata\"
We will also focus on a few overall exercises that provide better knowledge / awareness when working with more partners. This type of interaction helps you become more attentive to what\'s around you, much more attentive to the one next to you and, implicitly, to you.
Linotip Independent Choreography Centre is an independent contemporary dance studio for production and distribution of dance shows. For us, Linotip represents the time and space in which we focus our attention on the ways we can help grow the potential of contemporary dance in the independent art.