23 May - 24 May
12:00 - 18:00
Str. Brezoianu nr. 4, et. 2, ap. 4
Fundatia Friends for Friends
Corporate Creative Writing Workshop
\"Bad writing destroys the company\'s productivity\", as Harvard Business Review states September 2016. \"It costs billions\" each year, according to Daily Beast, one month later. February 2017: a marketing site listed five ways in which good, convincing writing can be a game changer in business.
The Corporate Storywriting Workshop has been especially developed by the Friends For Friends Foundation and created by Mona Dîr?u to pursue this objective. Dîr?u has more than 20 years of journalistic experience in generalist and business press behind her and is the author of the weekly Monday Memo newsletter.
The program benefits companies, NGOs and freelancers as well.
FFFF believes in the power of creativity to change attitudes, lives and the society we live in. FFFF is a perimeter of excellence, where hardworking people with expertise and competencies gather to share instruments of innovation and propulsion for those who need them: journalists, NGOs, companies.