


23 May


16:00 - 00:00


Str. Edgar Quinet


Meșteshukar ButiQ

Legal – Ilegal/ Închidem Quinet-ul

Edgar Quinet is the street with her one anecdote, one a la Caragiale. It is full of colors, hearsay and effervescence, where the old times meet with the present in a such a specific way for Bucharest. This street has created families, not just customers or friends of the businesses and also it has her hastag #stradavesela. This street deserves to be in the Creative Quarter because you can feel the creative energy of the neighbouring Universities, the beautiful architecture of the buildings – French influences, eclectic or modernist.

On this street lays one of the oldest pastry shops, the smallest bookstore Carturești and also the only one with books just in English and Meșteshukar ButiQ, a social brand, unique in Europe. Two of the most popular clubs from Bucharest are a few steps away from those small places – Control and Apollo 111, the second one has also an contemporary theater inside for mind and soul. The event Legal/Illegal/ will be a festival just for one day, starting 16:00.

MBQ [Mesteshukar ButiQ] is a Bucharest based social enterprise working on revaluing traditional Roma craftsmanship. Through its work it aims for a triple social impact by contributing to combating prejudice against Roma, generating income for Roma artisans and creating undiscoveres dialogue bridges.